What Is Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine is one of the most widely used drugs in New Jersey. With the influx of cocaine in nearby cities, cocaine has become the go-to drug for many low-income communities. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, cocaine use has been relatively steady since 2009. In fact, in 2014, there were 1.5 million current users over the age of 12.

With so many regular users of the drug, cocaine addiction has become a real problem. The drug is highly addictive because of its ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is known as the happy hormone. High levels of dopamine can leave you feeling euphoric and worry-free. The drug also boosts motivation and energy levels.

Addiction is characterized by the inability to control one’s drug usage. Drug addiction is a compulsive habit. Continued use of cocaine alters a user’s brain. In turn, addiction sets in, and the person is unable to maintain self-control or the ability to resist urges to use the drug. These changes to the brain are persistent and make breaking the cycle much harder.

Cocaine Abuse Signs & Symptoms
Do you believe a friend or family member in New Jersey is using cocaine? Users of the drug often have a heightened sense of well-being and confidence. They may be more talkative and full of energy. Often, a user doesn’t have much of an appetite or a regular sleep schedule.

Other telltale signs of cocaine usage include:

A runny nose and/or nosebleeds
White powder around the nose area
Track marks
Dilated pupils

After extensive use of the drug, someone is more likely to become depressed, agitated, and exhausted. An addict is also more likely to need higher doses, which puts their life at an even higher risk.

Cocaine abusers experience a variety of symptoms. Common symptoms include:

Involuntary movements
Inability to concentrate
Increased agitation in absence of the drug
High levels of enthusiasm
Common-cold-like symptoms, including nosebleeds
If someone you know experiences these signs of symptoms, they may be addicted to cocaine. With addiction comes the need for treatment. For cocaine abusers, a cocaine outpatient treatment program in New Jersey is a proven treatment option. Treatment helps users to break free from the restraints of drug addiction. In turn, they can lead healthier lives.

Effects of Cocaine
Outside of effects on one’s mental and emotional state, there is an even darker side of cocaine addiction. The drug impacts vital organs, including the brain and heart. This damage is often fatal. According to NJ Advance Media, in 2017, 498 people died from cocaine use.

Brain Damage
Cocaine impacts the brain by releasing higher levels of dopamine, but the drug also has a huge impact on brain health. Overuse of the drug speeds up aging of the brain. Studies conducted at the University of Cambridge found that the brain ages twice as fast in cocaine addicts when compared to non-users.

Repeated cocaine exposure also causes the brain to adapt to a new reward pathway. Instead of getting happiness from food and relationships, a user gets happiness from cocaine. The drug also changes how the brain reacts to stress. Because of this, a user is more likely to experience mood swings, especially when not using the drug. These are telltale signs of cocaine withdrawal.

Heart Damage
Long-term use of cocaine has proven to damage the heart muscle. This can result in cardiomyopathy, which is a disease of the heart muscle. When injected, cocaine can also lead to inflammation of the inner heart tissues.

With a weaker heart comes a heightened risk of cardiac arrhythmia and heart attacks, both of which can be deadly. Cocaine-induced damage to the heart increases one’s risk of brain damage as well as a stroke because of improper blood supply.

Cocaine Abuse & Outpatient Treatment
When a user tries to break their addiction, cocaine withdrawal is common. Withdrawal symptoms can take a serious toll on the body, including physical, mental, and emotional effects. Because of this, users are more likely to relapse, despite knowing the risk of using the drug.

If you or a loved one is dealing with cocaine addiction, there is no better day than today to turn your life around. Drug addiction doesn’t have to define your future. By seeking treatment in an outpatient treatment center, you can get back on track to a healthier and happier life. A quality cocaine detox clinic will help to minimize withdrawal symptoms while providing a supportive community.

Trust BlueCrest Recovery Center
Are you or a loved one dealing with cocaine addiction? Seeking a reliable treatment option? Tired of coming up short on cocaine rehab help? If so, now is the time to seek an outpatient treatment center in New Jersey.

While there are many recovery centers to choose from, if you’re looking for top-notch care, you can trust BlueCrest Recovery Center. At our recovery center, we embrace a holistic treatment approach. We approach drug addiction clinically and spiritually. Recovering from drug abuse requires more than outside support. We believe that mind-healing activities, such as yoga and meditation, can aid in overcoming addiction and other stressors in life.

At BlueCrest, we’re all about restoring hope and lives. Today is the day to ensure your future. Contact us at (973) 298-5776, and we’ll be in touch immediately.

We look forward to taking this journey with you.
